The induction period is the bridge between initial teacher training and a career in teaching. It is equivalent to the first two years of an ECTs career. This induction period is overseen by an Appropriate Body, who makes sure the ECT is receiving all their statutory entitlements and also decides if the ECT has satisfactorily met the Teachers’ Standards, based on the headteachers recommendation.

All assessment documents will be completing using ECT Manager.

Year 1: Autumn – progress review, Spring – progress review, Summer – formal assessment

Year 2: Autumn – progress review, Spring – progress review, Summer – formal assessment

The Early Career Framework is the research underpinning the induction of new teachers into the profession. All early career teachers (ECTs) and their mentors are required to have access to a training package based on the ECF as part of the two year induction. ECTs and mentors are expected to meet the DfE’s engagement expectations with regards to this training, but the ECF is not itself used as an assessment tool.

More information about the different ECF pathways can be found here.

A two year induction period with access to the Early Career Framework is available to ECTs who have been awarded QTS and start their induction period after 1st September 2021. ECTs who started their induction period prior to this will follow the NQT induction pathway.

The roles and responsibilities of all key stakeholders can be found here.

The full statutory guidance can be found here

Guidance on the suitability of the ECTs post can be found here.

All ECTs are entitled to PPA time in addition to ECF timetable reductions.

Year 1

In the first year (terms 1-3) of induction an ECT must not teach more than 90% of the timetable of the school’s existing teachers on the main pay range.

Year 2

In the second year (terms 4-6) of induction must not teach more than 95% of the timetable of the school’s existing teachers on the main pay range.

This time off timetable should be used to specifically enable ECTs to undertake activities in their induction programme.

ECTs should not be subject to the school’s performance management process as the statutory induction process has been deemed the ‘appropriate mechanism’ for reviewing the ECTs progress.

ECTs are not negatively affected by the induction period, or its extension from one to two years. A school may award pay progression to ECTs at the end of the first year.

The induction period is automatically extended prior to completion when an ECT’s absences per year of induction (or equivalent for part-time teachers) total 30 days
or more (with the exception of statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, shared parental leave, statutory adoption leave, or parental bereavement leave).

The induction period must be extended by the aggregate total of days absent, as recorded by the head/principal. If the ECT is unable to serve the extension in the same school/institution, the minimum period of employment of one term or equivalent must be served in a new school/institution.

ECTs who take statutory maternity leave, statutory paternity leave, statutory adoption leave, shared parental leave, or parental bereavement leave while serving their induction period or an extension to their induction period may decide whether their induction should be extended (or further extended) to reflect the number of days absent for this purpose.

Any outstanding assessments should not be made until the ECT returns to work and has had the opportunity to decide whether to extend (or further extend) induction, and any such request must be granted. If an ECT chooses not to extend (or further extend) the induction period, their performance will still be assessed against the Teachers’ Standards. It is, therefore, recommended that an individual in this situation seeks advice before making such a decision.

An ECT completes their induction period when they have served the full-time equivalent of two standard school years. In some cases an ECT can complete a reduced period of induction for part time teachers covering but not equivalent to two years (as agreed with the appropriate body).

Even though some teachers already have significant teaching experience when they enter the maintained sector for the first time, they are still required to serve statutory induction. In such cases, appropriate bodies have discretion to reduce the length of the induction period to a minimum of one term (based on a school year of three terms) to recognise this experience. In making such a decision they should take account of advice from the headteacher/principal and must gain the agreement of the teacher concerned. If a teacher wishes to serve the full induction period they must be permitted to do so. Reductions should only be considered where an ECT has extensive prior experience of teaching whole-classes to the Teachers’ Standards.

Short-term supply placements of less than one term, or equivalent, cannot count towards induction, as such posts will not provide an ECT with the breadth of experience, support, and assessment necessary to enable them to demonstrate that their performance against the Teachers’ Standards is satisfactory.

A qualified teacher who gained QTS on or after 1 September 2007 and who has not completed an induction period, can undertake short-term supply work of less than one term in a relevant school for a maximum period of 5 years from the point of award of QTS. This is a fixed time limit with no discretion to extend.

It is not possible to backdate the start of an induction period if a short-term supply contract is extended so that it lasts for one term or longer. However, an induction programme must be put in place immediately if it becomes clear that the extended contract will continue for at least a term.

An ECT can work part-time as a short-term supply teacher, while concurrently serving induction in another part-time post after the five-year limit has expired. However, the short-term supply post will not count towards induction.

Long-term supply teaching (continuous employment equivalent to more than one term) can count towards induction, but it is important that the ECT is in post long enough to be able to receive sufficient monitoring and feedback and prepare for a fair and reasonable assessment of their performance.

ECTs should have access to a range of support from their mentor and induction tutor during their induction in the form of observations, feedback and one to one sessions.

The ECT should be kept up to date on their progress and should not find anything unexpected during the assessment points. If an ECT is not on track to meet the Teacher’s Standards, this should be indicated on the Progress Review or Formal Assessment and shared with the appropriate body, along with details of the support package that will be put in place for that ECT. it is expected that schools maintain regular contact with the appropriate body throughout induction, keeping them apprised of the ECT’s progress.

In the event an ECT fails to satisfactorily meet the Teachers’ Standards, the appropriate body will either grant an extension of the induction period or state that the ECT has failed to meet the standards.

Failure to complete the induction period satisfactorily means that the ECT is no longer eligible to be employed as a teacher and must be dismissed within ten working days, unless they wish to appeal the decision. ECTs the right to appeal the decision with the Teaching Regulation Agency within 20 working days of being informed by the appropriate body.